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Tuesday, September 3, 2019

What Are You Afraid Of?

What is your biggest fear? This is my writing prompt for you this week. When I was nine, my top three were zombies, tornadoes, and death. Now they are clowns, aphids, and dolls (especially the kind that are just huge upper bodies of over-glamorous women. Don't ask.). I know of people who are afraid of heights, spiders, seaweed, water, and loose teeth (not their own; other people's!) What do you fear?
          Write a story in which the main character has the same worst fear you do and must face it. To spice things up, add a character, preferably your protagonist's best friend, who does not share that fear but in fact embraces it. For example, if you fear lightning, your character's companion can be a storm-chaser (and your character can be stuck in a hurricane like the one slamming the Bahamas right now.) I know a girl who catches black widows in jars and keeps them in her room, and I like looking down from high places (oak trees, the Space Needle).
          If you face your fears in writing, they could be easier to face in real life. (Which is why many people have diaries.)

Fun Fear Names: Triskaidekaphobia: fear of the number 13 (sufferers of this fear have need to fear a Friday the 13th this month!) Phantasmagorophobia: fear of ghosts. Acrophobia: fear of heights. Xenophobia: fear of foreign people.