See What's New

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

It's Been Real, and It's Been Fun.

 Hey, y'all!

All good things must come to an end, and the time has come for me to say goodbye to Quilltree. Lately, my priorities with my writing have shifted, and I'm focusing less on articles about the craft and more on honing my skills and making my own work as good as it can be. I also have a lot of non-writing-related stuff happening in my own life--including university classes, church commitments, and work.

Never fear! I'm not disappearing from the Internet entirely. In the interest of publishing my long-form fiction someday, I'm maintaining my platform on my email list and my official author website, as well as on social media--if you'd like to continue following my writing journey, find me on Instagram and Pinterest as @averyryannekuhn.

All of my past articles, including the Christian Writers' Reading Challenge and my Advent writing prompts, will remain accessible for as long as anyone wants to read them. I hope to revise and adapt the Reading Challenge into a better-organized form and repost it to my website someday, so stay on the lookout! As for my Advent writing prompts, I'll continue to post those on Instagram during the holiday season. I'll also send out a special Christmas short story to my email list, so if you want to see exclusive content from my fantasy worlds, click the link in the paragraph above!

Thank y'all so much for these great years of blogging and readership, and I hope to see you all in my other Internet nooks!

~AR Kuhn

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Hello, fellow writers! I love it when we can inspire each other and help one another grow. With this in mind, keep it friendly and on-topic.
Have a great day! ;)