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Monday, October 21, 2019


         Humor in writing is absolutely necessary. There are two types of humor: low and high. High appeals to intellect and wit, low is basically slapstick and potty-talk.
          In my writing, I use both high humor (sarcasm, juxtaposition) and low humor (sudden terror, fiery explosions).
          Comedy isn't only for stories, though. Here is a humorous poem I wrote a couple of years ago:

Said the Blossom to the Bee, "I'm so beautiful, look at me!
But you, dearest Bee, are quite plain, as all can see."
The Bee, lest he receive a bad rapport,
Quickly conceived a witty retort.
"You may look sweet, but your words are sour,
You couldn't pay me to be a flower."
The Blossom blushed, she turned quite red,
She turned her pretty petaled head.
"She said, "You are very rude.
You insult me with your attitude.
I'd be better off if you didn't exist!
So leave me alone! Cease to be! Desist!"
The Bee said in reply,
"Without me you would die!
Without me you wouldn't be around! 
Without me, you'd wilt to the ground!"
Said the Bee to the Blossom,
"I'm a pollinator! I am awesome!"

          High humor or low?