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Monday, July 6, 2020

July is Poetry Month!

July is Poetry Month on this blog, and to kick it off, here's a couple poems.

July Fourth, 11pm
It's a beautiful night
With the stars shining bright
And it seems it will last forever.
With the flames in the sky
And the flag flying high
Sleep is a hopeless endeavor.
The moon gives its light
Upon ev'ry tank-fight
And our sparklers, no matter the weather.
And with ev'ry dragon-fly
That whizzes on by
The fireworks seem to get better.
As we whoop with delight
Under God's careful sight
Maybe the world will stay perfect ever.

Summer Prayer
Please don't let me get stung or bit,
Poisoned or scraped or burned or hit.
Please let the blueberries get ripe soon,
The tomatoes not rot and the sunflowers bloom.
Please let me win a game at the fair,
Evade this truth or accomplish that dare.
Please let the weather be sunny and hot,
But also let it thunder as often as not.
Please let us make it to the rest-stop in time,
Don't let us have forgot something, at least not of mine.
And please let that drop be shorter than I think,
And don't let the boat tip over or sink.
Oh, and thanks for everything you've done- Oh my!
I'm late for a birthday - I'll finish later, bye!