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Monday, July 13, 2020

Write It! Summer Challenge Week 4

Hello! This week's challenge: write a poem that could be set to pictures as a children's story. Example:

The Camping Fairy
In the woods of Leavenworth,
Many creatures dwell,
But the one that helps you most
You probably don't know well.
The Camping Fairy sweeps the ashes
From the fireplace,
And keeps the sparks from burning you
And the smoke out of your face.
She makes the wild roses bloom,
Conducts the robins in their song,
Gives the mock orange its perfume,
And sends herds of deer to you at dawn.
She keeps the s'mores from catching fire,
Watches your balance as you cross the creek,
And on that long hard mountain hike,
She urges you forth when you get weak.
So next time you go camping,
Look down each hole and up each tree,
For if you search for long enough,
The Camping Fairy you may see!