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Monday, August 17, 2020

Poems on Writing

A Writer's Life
I've tucked a pencil in my hair
My rear-end aches from being stuck to a chair
I prob'ly look weird, but I don't really care-
A writer's life for me!

I've broken seventeen pencil-leads
My skin is dry from the pages I've read
But I'll keep on this way until I'm dead-
A writer's life for me!

I write with the ducks when the lawn is mowed
For feedback I go where the clematis grows
My work is where my true colors show-
A writer's life for me!

If the weather's bad, I write that down
On happier days, I go to town
The pen my scepter, creativity my crown-
A writer's life for me!

Intent to Invent
The intent to invent is a treacherous urge;
It's where creativity and criticism converge.
Choose to be inspired, and you're on the right track,
But to try too hard, and your focus sets you back.