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Monday, January 18, 2021

Bring it to Life

Writing prompt: Take something ordinary and bring it to life. You know: the dust under your bed is a pencil-eating monster,  a pair of scissors is a hungry bird's beak, Lego figures crawl out onto the floor and wait malevolently to be stepped on. Something everyone knows about, everyone has in their house, and make it exciting. Make it dangerous. With an evil cackle, give it agency. Let dust-bunnies hop around, and earbuds become mischievous twisty snakes that love to tie themselves in knots.

What ordinary thing in your house seems to live? For me, it's goat-heads, aka the evil seeds of tackweed. They are little goats that roam around looking for a nice patch of shag rug to graze in. If you live in a rural area, you know what comes next.

If this writing prompt doesn't strike your fancy, try:

  • A skit about an invisible sideways chair.
  • Flashmob speakeasy. Go from there.

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Have a great day! ;)