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Monday, May 31, 2021

Small Town

 River Song
The creek is music
And the wavelets dance
Tie up your skirt
Or roll up your pants
And wade in the river
With the current singing-
Among the rocks
The brook is ringing
Leap on limestone
Twirl in eddies
One with stream
As the day is ending.

Skipping Stones
Stone skipping across the water
Don't know where you'll land
How many times you'll bounce
Before you get there
The hand that threw you knows
It's skilled at its job
Knows you're going to a better part
Of the river
Them ore you bounce, the farther you'll go.
Don't fret over the landing.
I've bounced a few times myself
And where I've landed is good.

Sunday Rains
It always rains on Sunday
A blinding, driving force
Sweeps dirt out of the planters
And people through church doors.

It always rains on Sunday
Pounds down upon the car
Slows the drivers on the highway
Arriving as the service starts.

It always rains on Sunday
Makes muddy rivers flow
And if you forgot your umbrella
It soaks your Sunday clothes.

It always rains on Sunday
Erodes away the dirt
You have to hide your Bible
Underneath your shirt.

It always rains on Sunday
And let me tell you why-
These are the joyful tears
Of our LORD as he cries.

No one's happier to see us
Go to church than He,
So blast the wind, forget the rain-
Our Savior we go to see!

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