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Monday, November 1, 2021

A Rare Cold Day

Cut grass stings the scent of air,
Shovels ring from far away-
Just another Autumn day;
The cold lays flowering branches bare.
Live oaks drop leaves on the shadowy lawn,
The crickets still have something left to say-
Just another Autumn day;
A dog barks out a lonely song.
The weather welcomes Elf and Fay-
Just another Autumn day.

View From the Front Porch
The lawn is green and yellow
Striped with golden sun
And shadow.
Arching trees drop
Bronze leaves
While green ones still cling on.
Cold air chills my face
Not one breeze stirs,
Not one cloud darkens
The light blue sky.
A pale moon wanes
Passing the zenith by.
Pinky-purple garlic flowers
Rise tall, as dropping combs of
Bee-flowers fall.

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