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Sunday, November 28, 2021

Out of the Mouths of Babes

 Small children are the funniest people on earth. Trust me; I've lived with one over the Thanksgiving holiday. I also volunteer in the Sunday school at our church, where I get to spend large amounts of time with children ages 6 through 10. Whenever I'm around these joyous, destructive little creatures, I keep my notebook handy (which intrigues some of them). I write down quotes. Small children are beautiful role models for two reasons: first, they are absolutely confident in everything. Second, they often speak unusual truths.

Here are a few examples.

Sunday School Teacher: ".... they only spoke one language."
Kid 1: "What language was it?"
Kid 2, authoritatively: "English!"

Older Cousin: "Not everybody in the room is trying to attack you."
Younger Cousin: "Why?"

Sunday School Teacher: "What did God change Abram's name to?"
Kid: "Abraham Lincoln!"

Next time you're around small children, converse with them. Listen to what they say. Write down some quotes. And, if one small child happens to be a cousin, you both may be able to laugh over those quotes when you're older.

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