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Monday, December 27, 2021

Writing Resolutions 2022

 With the New Year only days away, let's consider our writing- and reading-related New Year's Resolutions. Remember, the more ambitious, the harder they'll be to achieve, but the better you'll be for it (and the guiltier you'll feel if you fail). Mine lean ambitious this year:

  1. Read at least one book per month. (Okay, this one's not ambitious. But with all the schoolwork I've had, I fell behind on reading in 2021, and I don't want that to happen again.)
  1. Get three short pieces - poems or stories - published in magazines by the end of 2022.
  1. Write every day, read every day. Not one or the other.
I also have a few less-ambitious hopes/wishes, namely, to finish editing Kai's Story, the perhaps-faulty underlying assumption being that there's an end to editing. (My writing is the only place I am a perfectionist.)

What are your resolutions? How will you push yourself this year?

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Hello, fellow writers! I love it when we can inspire each other and help one another grow. With this in mind, keep it friendly and on-topic.
Have a great day! ;)