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Monday, April 4, 2022

As We Go Along - Ch. 4

 The one called Braydon held the sword. I was pinned against the tree - a centimeter forward and I'd stop breathing permanently.

"Who are you?" he demanded. "A fairy? A witch? And what in the worlds are you wearing?"

Apparently, he'd never seen a hoodie before. "I'm not a fairy or a witch. I'm human. I'm wearing a zippered cloak. And it would be easier to talk if you didn't have a sword pressed against my esophagus."

"Your what?" he asked. He eyed me suspiciously, as if big words were a sign of an evil mind.

"Throat. Big fancy word for throat."

He lowered his sword ever-so-slightly. I took my cue and ran like heck.

He ran after me, but he was short and stocky where I was long-legged and thin, so I lost him easily. When his shouts had faded to angry echoes, I slowed to a walk. I looked around for the telltale glow of a lantern and saw only darkness. This both comforted and disappointed me - it had been nice to be able to see where I was going. I walked into a clearing in the trees, and it seemed my unspoken wish had magically been granted: someone lit the lantern again.

I found myself surrounded by four horses and three people. Braydon must still have been on foot. Startled, I jumped back a little, tripped over a rock, and landed on my behind.

"Easy," the stout older one said. "We're not going to hurt you."

"I have no reason to believe you," I said, "considering one of you recently had a sword at my throat."

Thin, goateed Vesperzo snickered. "Braydon does that to everyone he meets. It means nothing."

You will be judged by the company you keep, I thought, and Braydon sounded like terrible company.

Speaking of which, Mr. Sword-to-the-Throat shoved through the narrow gap between Vesperzo's and Colin's horses and brandished his sword at me, panting. "Who are you?" he asked.

"Madalyn Harper. Pleased to make your acquaintance," I said, raising an eyebrow.

The stout one smiled. "I believe introductions are in order. Sheath your sword, Braydon; Forestmen aren't in the habit of threatening young ladies." Then he spoke to me: "Miss Harper, I am Carrington, and these are Colin, Braydon, and Vesperzo." He gestured to each one. Colin and Vesperzo nodded at me. Braydon crossed his arms.

"Now, if I may, what is a young lady such as yourself doing alone in the Darkwood at night?" Carrington asked.

He, at least, struck me as trustworthy. "I'm lost," I said, which was a technically honest answer.

"Well, join the club," Braydon muttered. Vesperzo shot him a dirty look. Carrington silenced both of them with a glance.

"Well, allow us to escort you to the nearest town," Carrington said. "The Darkwood has far worse inhabitants than fairies and witches."

There wasn't a hint of mirth in his voice. Lovely. "Thank you, that would be very nice," I said.

"Colin, she'll ride with you."

Colin helped me onto his horse, behind him, which is no easy feat considering I was wearing an overstuffed backpack.

"Have you ever ridden a horse before?" he asked quietly.

"No," I said.

"Hold on."

"Onto what?" I asked.

He turned around, as if looking for handholds. Finding none, he sighed. "Onto me, I guess." He struck me as a rather melancholy fellow. I put my arms around his waist. The five of us started to ride into the woods, and I did my utmost not to slide off the poor horse (who didn't seem to like me much).

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