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Monday, June 13, 2022

The World's Voice

Humans tell you who you are,

Set an ever-higher bar

Make you work for props and praise,

Make you chase love all your days,

Tell you who you're supposed to be,

Tell you you're special, creative, free,

But by the way, you're ugly as heck

And everything you do comes off as dreck.

They play their angles, say sly words,

Meant to goad or promote or hurt,

They'll laugh or smile, mutter or moan,

Circle around or make you feel alone.

It's all about what you can give to them,

All about who's your bestest friend,

So they ostracize you or lure you in,

Silence you or raise a din,

But you don't have to listen or play their game,

If everyone did, we'd all be the same,

So when they pull or push you, flirt or flatter,

Remember it's the ones who love YOU who really matter.

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