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Monday, September 19, 2022

Other Words for Revenge

"Revenge" is a provocative theme often dealt with in fiction. How many TV shows have you watched where one or more characters mixes up "justice" and "vengeance"? Well, for those of you writing about revenge and getting tired of revenge/avenge/vengeance, here are some alternatives:

Retaliate--to lash back

Vindicate--with an alternative sense of "justify"

Reciprocate--literally, to return in kind, not always a negative connotation

Retribution--with a sense of punishment

Redress--with an alternative sense of true justice, righting wrongs

Satisfaction--with ties to ancient dueling traditions

Payback--with a more casual, down-and-dirty feel

Requite--with an alternative sense of returning affection

Counterstroke--literally, to return a blow

Reckoning--with a sense of judgment

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