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Monday, October 17, 2022

Cool Latin Phrases

 Hello, fellow writers! I've been nerding out, er, researching, lately, so here are a few fun Latin phrases for writers, readers, and world-changers:

Ars longa, vita brevis - Art is long, life is short.

Alis volat propiis - He flies by his own wings.

Aut insanity homo, aut versus facit - That fellow is either mad, or he is composing verses.

Helluo librorum - A glutton for books.

In libras, libertas - In books, freedom.

Littera scripta manet - The written letter lasts.

Nullus est liber tam malus ut non aliqua parte prosit - There is no book so bad that it is not profitable in some part.

Poeta nascitur, non fit - The poet is born, not made.

Luctor et emergo - I struggle and emerge.

No ducor, duco - I am not led; I lead.

Verba volant, scripta manent - Words fly away; writings remain.

Vivamus, moriendum est - Let us live, since we must die.

Ego te provoco - I challenge you.

Hic sunt dracones - Here, there are dragons.

Faciam quodlibet quod necesse est - I will do whatever it takes.

Morere cum honore, amici.

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