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Thursday, December 1, 2022

December First--Poinsettia

Merry Christmas! This year, our 24 Christmas writing prompts are all riddles! Not only are riddles fun to tell and guess at, they're also good writing practice, both in the craft of description and in the art of poetry. Experiment with imagery and rhyme schemes this Advent season. I'll be experimenting with you and posting my example riddles with the prompts.

December First: Write a riddle whose answer is poinsettia. 

Poinsettia Example Riddle
I have two eyes
And many leaves
Though often I deceive--
My colors lie.

Can you keep me alive?
I bleed milk,
But don't drink--
You could die.

You know me in the cold,
But I come from afar--
I don't like it where you are,
And now my story's told.

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Hello, fellow writers! I love it when we can inspire each other and help one another grow. With this in mind, keep it friendly and on-topic.
Have a great day! ;)