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Monday, December 12, 2022

For Those of Us Who Can't Draw...

 Hello, it's your friendly neighborhood procrastinator here, with a fun new tool I found on the Internet for when you don't want to write but still want to feel like you're working. It's called DALL-E 2, and it creates images when you type in a description. No, it doesn't search the Internet for images that already exist--it generates entirely new pictures from scratch. It's easy to use, obeys sophisticated commands, and most importantly, is free!

Here are a few images I got when I tried out DALL-E 2:

(What I typed: "An oil painting of a happy cat having a conversation with a young girl.")

And here's another one:

(What I typed: "An aerial photo of a star-shaped castle.")

This is a great tool for authors who want to see pictures of their characters and settings but can't draw. (Raise your hand if there's a reason you paint with words! 🤚🏻) It's also an excellent way to procrastinate if you need a break. Try it out!

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