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Monday, April 24, 2023

The Four Correlations: Air, Spring, Sanguine, Morning, Birth

What Is This Post?

 Air, Spring, Sanguine (Blood), Morning, Birth

Pinterest Aesthetic Board


wind blowing through your hair, cotton candy, hot air balloons, helium balloons, airplanes, puffy cumulus clouds, "just breathe", yawns, sighs, sunbeams falling on farmland, rays of light catching the dust in the air, parachutes, windy rooftops, chimney smoke, the sound of a coming storm, churning dark clouds, breezes moving the grass like ocean waves, the sound of cars on the highway, birdsong, rustling leaves, flower petals blown off in the wind, fields of tossing wildflowers, soaring birds, cold wind in your face, meringue, running with your arms out and the wind at your back, smells carried in the breeze...


the first flowers popping through snow, crunchy gray melting snow, mud and moist earth, yellow-green willow branches, gray-gold light, bright yellow forsythia, red-and-black tulips, sweet-smelling hyacinths, amaryllis, paperwhites, Easter eggs, floral-print dresses, frilly Sunday dresses, blooming wildflowers in highway medians, baby birds chirping in nests, calves in the fields, fawns in the forest, chicks and ducklings in the Ranch 'n' Home, pounding rain, thunder, tornadoes, St. Patty's day, moving the clock forward, planting the garden, spring greens on your plate, violet redbuds, fleeting bluebonnets, cold mornings, breezy warm picnics...


living in the moment, confidently crossed arms, wiping the blood off your sword, laughter in the face of jokes, laughter in the face of death, optimism, never-ending stream of talk, butterflies, rollercoasters, screams of joy, high-energy, quick wits, blood spatter on the wall, hot-blooded rage, "mood", flirting, red dress, traffic lights, dripping knife, washing the red off your hands, lipstick, parties, sly smirk, lively music, wine, strobing lights, flashy jewelry, sass, flipping your hair, shouting matches, boisterous opinions, enthusiastic sharing, blood on the asphalt, sports cars, shoulders-back posture, wink, red hair, crimson cape, syringe of blood, circus tents...


warm bedsheets, yawning, beeping alarm clocks, smell of frying bacon, fresh-squeezed orange juice, diners, black coffee, cream, egg yolks, glaring sun through the window, sleeping in, jogging, pancakes, biscuits and gravy, sitting on the porch, watching the sunrise, dewy grass, rooster crowing, feeding the animals, purple horizon, rising before dawn, waking from dreams, getting dressed, making your bed, checking notifs, texting your boyfriend/girlfriend, "good morning", "sleep well?", fresh fruit, sounds in the hall, running feet and muted conversation, stretching, opening your laptop, newspaper print, brushing your hair, putting on makeup, driving to work/school, the weight of your backpack...


crying, milk, wispy hair, blue eyes, sleepless nights, hospital gowns, wide eyes, nonsense sounds, red skin, newborn photos, mashed sweet potato and avocado, washing bottles, sweet sleep, lullabies, "Mama", "Dada", rolls of fat, flannel blankets, baby showers, pregnant tummy, butterfly kisses, fox kisses, forehead kisses, tummy kisses, ultrasound, "it's a boy/girl!", fat little face, squeals of delight, cradles, favorite stuffed animal, rocking chair, burping, changing diapers, baby powder, first birthday cake smash, holding the baby, first words, first steps, rolling across the floor, crawling, screaming, tiny socks and shoes...

Did I forget your favorite part of one of these aesthetics? Comment your air/spring/blood/morning/birth imagery below!

Additional Writing Challenge: Pick an element from each category and write a poem on the following topic: Hope.

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