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Monday, March 9, 2020

Writing Environments

Where do you write? At a desk? On a computer? In a recliner or rocking chair? In bed? Are you surrounded by reference books and writing utensils, or is your workspace neat and tidy? Is there music going, or do you need complete silence? Do you write at a certain time of day, or whenever? Do you prefer afternoons, evenings, mornings, midday?

All these things add up to create your writing environment. I prefer my cluttered-yet-organized desk,, with the Christian radio station going, generally in the evenings. It's changed. I used to require silence, work on my bed, always during the day time. Maybe a year from now I'll be a morning person who works mostly in the sun-room, listening to the cat purr.

And of course writing environs vary from person to person. Maybe you enjoy a coffee shop and your laptop, or sitting in a tree with headphones blaring, or scribbling down ideas in the backseat of the car on long trips. Perhaps you're a neat-freak who does not tolerate doodles and uses the eraser more often than the pencil. Or you just let it all come out, in pen, scratching out any mistakes (or not considering anything a mistake at all).

Where do you write? When do you write? How do you write? Messy, neat, on time, any time, one place, everyplace. The most important thing, no matter how you write, is that you do.

Sometimes it just helps to figure it out.