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Monday, March 2, 2020

Why Do You Write?

Why do you write?

For fun? To get famous? To make money? Because you absolutely have to, or you'll go completely bonkers?

I write because I have to. I write because it feels like I should've been born into a different world, and if I don't let my supposed-to-be-self write her would-have-been history, then I really will go insane. I also write because it is the rare intersection of something I enjoy and something I don't suck at.

Think about you writing. What is its purpose? Its motive? What are your characters' dreams and ambitions? Are any of the characters you? Are their dreams your dreams?

What if you could live in your character's world, be your character? What if your character lived in the "real" world, as we call it?

Find out why you write, and it might change how you write.