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Monday, February 15, 2021


Another day comes, another day goes
Snow's still falling and the wind still blows.
Frozen tears dropping from the sky,
With a frigid wail as the whole world cries.

White World
Russian Sage shivers
In the cold wind
Limp grasses reach trailing arms for help.
Green shoots quiver-
Snow emboldened
To kill the growth we saw before the cold-snap.
Dry snow swirls off roofs, under eaves
Caught in whirl-winds like Autumn leaves.
Wind that would make a dust-storm in warmer times
Becomes a blizzard before our eyes.
To think that last week we thought it was spring!
February is a fickle thing.
Pampas grass shivers
In the cold wind
How lucky we are to be safely inside!
House finches quiver-
"Please let me in!"
The wind screams as the door slams in reply.

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