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Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Asking ChatGPT for Writing Advice

You may remember that a while back I posted on the image-generation program DALL-E 2, an OpenAI project. Well, OpenAI is famous for something that could be either revolutionary or deadly for the writing industry. There's been a lot of buzz lately about ChatGPT, the new AI that seems capable of just about anything. I decided to give it a short test: Can ChatGPT give good writing advice?

Here's the transcript of part of our first conversation, in which I asked it about how to write dynamic side characters:


... I'm a fiction writer, so I love discussing writing techniques and literary devices. 


That's great! I'd be happy to talk with you about writing techniques and literary devices. What specific elements of writing would you like to discuss? For example, do you have any questions about plot development, character creation, world-building, or perhaps the use of literary devices like symbolism, foreshadowing, or metaphor?


Well, I'm having trouble with one of my side characters right now. He's the main character's love interest in my work-in-progress, but his character feels kind of flat. Any advice?


Sure, I'd be happy to help! Creating dynamic and memorable characters is essential in engaging readers, so it's important to give every character, including side characters, a distinct personality and backstory.

Here are a few tips that might help you bring your side character to life:

1. Give your character a unique backstory: A well-crafted backstory can help readers understand why a character behaves the way they do, and can make them more relatable. Consider giving your love interest a rich history, full of triumphs and struggles that have shaped his personality.

2. Make him multidimensional: Avoid making your character one-dimensional by showing different facets of his personality. You can do this by giving him a variety of interests, skills, and flaws that make him feel like a real person.

3. Create conflict: A great way to make a character more interesting is to put him in conflict with others or with himself. This can help readers see the character's values and priorities and make them more invested in his journey.

4. Use dialogue to reveal character: Dialogue is a great tool to reveal your character's personality and values. Consider giving your love interest some memorable lines that show his sense of humor, his beliefs, and his motivations.

5. Use sensory details: Using sensory details like taste, smell, and touch can make your character feel more tangible and relatable to readers. Think about how your love interest interacts with the world around him and how you can use sensory details to bring him to life.

I hope these tips are helpful in bringing your side character to life! Good luck with your writing.


Thank you, that was very helpful.


You're welcome! I'm glad that I could be of assistance. If you have any other questions or if there is anything else you need help with, don't hesitate to ask!

+ + + 

As you can see, ChatGPT is polite and eager to help. I give it four out of five stars for personality.

As for the advice itself, it's not anything you couldn't find in a good book or elsewhere on the Internet, but what can you expect? The AI draws its knowledge from those sources. The information itself isn't very detailed but then again, my question wasn't very specific, so I would have to test further to see if it has any deeper insights. Overall, I don't recommend going to ChatGPT for writing advice at this time, since its capabilities are still fairly limited. However, I see the convenience in being able to quickly gather information on a specific topic without having to flip through dozens of books or scroll through search engine results.

I decided to give it a harder test. Here's the transcript of Convo #2, in which I ask ChatGPT to write a blog post on backstory in my style:


Hello, ChatGPT. I'm a blogger and I've heard you're very good at imitating the writing style of specified authors. I'd like to see if you can imitate mine. So here's the challenge: My blog is Write a blog post, in my style, about how to write compelling backstory without dumping information. 


Hello! I'm happy to take on your challenge. Here's my attempt at writing a blog post in your style:

As writers, we all know the importance of a good backstory. It helps us create fully realized characters and enriches our storytelling. But how do we convey this information to the reader without overwhelming them with a massive info dump? Here are some tips for writing compelling backstory without dumping information.

1. Show, don't tell

This old adage still holds true. Instead of telling your reader everything they need to know about a character's past, show it through their actions, dialogue, and interactions with other characters. For example, if a character has a fear of water due to a traumatic experience as a child, show them avoiding a swimming pool or sweating nervously at the beach. This not only conveys the information but also makes the character more relatable and interesting.

2. Use flashbacks sparingly

Flashbacks can be a powerful tool for revealing backstory, but they should be used sparingly. Too many flashbacks can disrupt the flow of the story and confuse the reader. Choose the most important moments in your character's past and use them strategically to reveal information and build tension.

3. Incorporate backstory into the plot

Don't treat backstory as a separate entity from the plot. Instead, weave it into the story in a way that feels natural. For example, if your character's past involves a long-lost love, have them encounter that person again in the present. This not only reveals backstory but also moves the plot forward.

4. Use dialogue to reveal information

Dialogue is a great way to reveal backstory without resorting to lengthy descriptions. Have characters discuss their past in a way that feels natural. For example, if a character is talking about their childhood, have them reminisce with a friend or family member. This makes the information feel more organic and less like an exposition dump.

5. Start with a mystery

Sometimes the best way to reveal backstory is to create a mystery around it. For example, if your character has a secret past, start by hinting at it without revealing all the details. This creates intrigue and keeps the reader invested in the story.

Remember, backstory is important, but it should never overshadow the main plot. By using these tips, you can create compelling backstory that enhances your storytelling without overwhelming the reader with information.


Thank you. That was an interesting experiment, and you imitated me fairly well. I'm actually creating a blog post about you right now, and this has been my second test of your ability to give writing advice. 


You're welcome! I'm glad you found my attempt at imitating your style to be satisfactory. And I'm honored that you're writing a blog post about me - I'm looking forward to seeing it!

If you have any other writing-related questions or challenges, feel free to ask. I'm always happy to help out with writing advice.

+ + + 

ChatGPT passed that test with flying colors. The advice, if not specific, is sound--especially the part about flashbacks--and the point about beginning with a mystery definitely sounds like something I would say. In fact, I made that same point in my post on incorporating backstory into the beginning of your story. Five out of five, ChatGPT.

As for style, I'd give it a four out of five, tops. The sentence structures and numbered list of points definitely fit my style, but the voice is slightly off, missing the colloquialisms and grammatical tics that I usually use, but that's okay--the AI is prob'ly programmed to use correct grammar and avoid cliches, which is a good thing overall.

I might fiddle this shiny new toy more in the future, and if the results prove interesting, I'll post them. In the meantime, test out ChatGPT for yourself. It's fun to play with.

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