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Monday, April 5, 2021


As Time Flies By
Forever is short
And someday is close,
Never's impossible;
Always, a boast.
To worry of the future
No man has need;
To live in the present
Is a rare thing indeed.

Eraser Ghosts
Kill your letters thoroughly
Lest they come to haunt
The place you made a figure
And realized you ought not.

Dragonflies and dandelions
Long-fallen leaves and snakes
Caught up in the bendy winds
And curves the river makes.
Squirrels scuttle, scamper up tall trees
Eagles rise on cooling breeze
Seagulls, mallards, Canadian geese
Flock to the Columbia.

Easter Service
He is here, He is risen!
All my sins have been forgiven- 
You died on the cross,
Gave Your life for us- 
How great You are - You are living!

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