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Monday, June 29, 2020

Write It! Summer Challenge - Week 2

Look out the window. Write from the point of view of the very next person to walk down the street. If you're in Leavenworth, it might be a girl in a bikini on her way to the ice cream shop. If you're in Seattle, it might be a guy in a hoodie on an electric scooter. If you're in a rural community, like me, then it might be the neighbor, walking their dog or spraying weeds. But write from their viewpoint: what are they thinking about? How do they feel? What's going on in their lives right now?

You could wait an hour in some places, and nobody but that feral pig from down the street or the goldfinch that always comes to your feeder or the jackrabbit you've nicknamed Lyssam comes by. That's fine. Write from their point of view. Why are they here? What are their worries?

In other places, like the busiest street in town, perhaps it's just cars, trucks, ambulances, semis, and motorcyclists that drive past. That's okay. What is the trucker thinking about? Why did that last car run a red light? Make a story out of it.

There's a song on the Christian radio station that goes, "Give me your eyes so I can see, Everything that I've been missing." Maybe this exercise will help.