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Monday, March 29, 2021

What's Your Passion?

I have several friends who are musicians. When they play together, it's not just music - it's an overwhelming wave of joy. They love what they do, and when they play, you can't help but feel that.

Joy in, joy out. That's the principle here. Everyone has a passion - that one thing they love to do more than anything else. For some of us it's music, for others it's cooking, and for a few it's writing. If you're passionate about something, relentless in doing it, loving it the whole time, the result is bound to be good. (Brenda Ueland talks about this in more depth in If You Want to Write.) If you're passionate about something, you do it no matter what: when it's hard, when there a million other things that need doing, when everything else is chaos. Your passion is part of what defines you.

Write passionately. For many of you reading this blog, writing is what you love. And if you continue to love it, to work at it, to let it drive you to be better and better, the results will be amazing. There is no special reward in the end for passionate people: the work is its own reward. Enjoy it.

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